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New Moon in Aquarius- An Electrical Atmosphere

January 11th gets us a new moon in Aquarius at 23 degrees! Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius, is the planet of unexpected occurrences, the internet, thought that moves at the speed of light. It reminds me of lightning. With this new moon we now are awash in the electrical atmosphere of Aquarian vision. Remember that Aquarius doesn't do things normally. It does things unusually. But through its weirdness, it brings unseen ideas into visibility. We need these moments of brilliance, in order to innovate our lives. Just when things seem "normal," Aquarian energy shifts us into something new.

The new moon comes surrounded by other planets in Aquarius. This sizable stellium doesn't come often. The last time this many planets conjoined in Aquarius was the early 1960's, which should tell us a little bit about what to expect: we are in a time of radical changes in our social structure.

Aquarius is an odd mix of rebellion to the norm, and stubbornness to its ideals. Its energy, although not considered dualistic like that of Pisces or Gemini, is still contradictory. This sign's mission is to permanently install new social architecture, thereby changing the landscape of culture as we know it. If you are too young to remember 1962, you can read up on the cultural and sexual revolution the 1960's brought to the world. All the 1960's born people with that Pluto/Uranus conjunction are living proof of radical changes in perception. Many of those people demonstrate that you can live against the grain of conformity, challenge the status quo and stir the pot enough to create new values in everyone they know.

The signature of this new moon in Aquarius is, it's not alone. More like, "a Star is Born" in the midst of a whole family of stars in the birthing room! So, this new moon has company of like-minded energies, which will pack a punch. Keep in mind that some of the "electricity" we will be feeling this month is generated by the square of Uranus to these Aquarian planets, and energized by Mars in earthy Taurus. Whenever a square exists, through friction, we will create something NEW. We bust out of old ways like the chick from the egg.

If you want to use this new moon to start something, let it be uniquely yours. Unusual things will be born at this time. Aquarius is nothing if not surprising, but it promises an uprising in consciousness that ripples out from more than one person.

Radical innovations for your life are being delivered as "thoughts" from the divine, so download some inspiration. Aquarius symbolizes "everybody" and the good of all, so maybe your brilliant ideas benefit the masses? There's also a strong possibility of connecting suddenly (Aquarius is very sudden) with your "people." Those who resonate best with you may just find you now, even if you've been searching for a while. Aquarius is the common man but also the outsider. What happens when the misfits band together and create a tribe?


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